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Hook and intro

Preface- When you are reading this imagine you are being led by a tour guide from the island that was born and raised in the islands so when he is talking to you/ reading the essay just have an island accent in your head when you are reading this and enjoying the paper.   "Hello, do you happen to know what islands you are on. No! You are on the magnificent British Virgin Islands. These islands are a British Commonwealth that is located in the Caribbean. These islands are an archipelago which means its a collection of islands in a small area. (hook) The islands are home to majestic scenery and even better people. You might not know this but most of the Virgin Islands are mostly uninhabited and are saved for wildlife to roam free. Some of the Virgin Islands are mostly named after a feature that makes the island stand out or even a famous person that inhabited the island. May I say that I am glad that you have joined me on this journey through the British Virgin Islands(bridg

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